‘Top Tips’ to successfully work from home
Working from home may have seemed shiny, new and exciting at the start but over time, you may come to realise that to be successful it takes a lot of discipline and organisation to be successful. With the help of some of our social media followers, we’ve curated a wonderful list of ‘top tips’ to ensure success and productivity.
Create a realistic ‘To do list’ every day. Start with the harder tasks in the morning so that they are done and dusted before the post lunch lethargy sets in.
Set a schedule of work, being tied to the computer for 8-hours often doesn’t mean you’ll actually deliver 8-hours of productivity. Schedule pockets of work time and down time.
Here’s a sample schedule; -
7-9am – Check through emails and respond to any that require urgent attention. Create a to do list for the day
9am-10.30am – Work out & Get Dressed (pj’s the whole day may be tempting but getting dressed will make you feel much more ready to work)
10.30am-12.30pm – Work on the more ‘complex’ tasks on your ‘To do list’ (This will give you a great sense of achievement and the motivation to get through the rest of the day
12.30pm-1.30pm – LUNCH BREAK (eat lunch, take a walk or enjoy a cup of tea in the garden)
1.30pm – 3.30pm – Carry on with the tasks on completing the tasks on your to do list
3.30pm-4pm – GRAB A CUPPA – you’ve earned it!
4pm – 5pm - Respond to any outstanding emails
5pm – Close your computer and finish for the day (it will all wait until your return the following morning)
5pm onwards – Enjoy family or you time (This is vital to ensuring tomorrow’s productivity)
Set ground rules with other people in your home or those whom share your space for when you work.
If you have children, you may need to adapt your schedule to incorporate homeschooling but be clear with the rules about what they can and cannot do during your working time. Additionally, just because you're home, it doesn’t mean you are freely available to take care of pets, cook meals and tidy the house, other family members shouldn’t assume you will always do this. If that's how you choose to divide up the domestic labor, that's fine, but if you simply take it all on by default, you may feel taken advantage of, meaning your productivity may suffer.
In an ideal world, you would have a dedicated office space where you can shut the door and work completely un-interrupted. However not everyone has a separate office in their home as they may well have previously not had the need to do so. Instead, dedicate a desk and some peripherals solely for work use, during your working hours. If it’s your home dining table, be sure to remove all other clutter that may ordinarily reside there and set yourself up you’re your computer, notepad and stationary as you ordinarily would in your place of work. This will offer you the mental space and mindset needed to enjoy a productive day in the ‘office’.
The most successful remote workers have a reputation for being extremely disciplined. After all, it takes serious focus to get a full-time office job done from an unconventional space. That said, everyone lets their attention drift sometimes. If you find yourself working one minute and reading the news headlines the next, don't reprimand yourself too harshly. Instead, ask yourself whether people in an office setting often do the same thing. If the answer is yes, cut yourself some slack, then get back on track and get the work done.
The most important tip is; figure out what works best for YOU. Sometimes the answer is obvious, but other times you might need to undertake some trial and error with time or perhaps draw on inspiration from other people who are in the same situation. A supportive community does exist, there’s so many of us in the same boat at the moment where this ‘new normal’ is just that, very new to us all! Whether you find tips from this post, from FaceTime or ZOOM calls with colleagues or friends or from scanning through social media, make your plan work for you. It’s the only way you will get through this and still have your sanity (and your business) still intact at the end of all this.
Other suggestions from our follower included
Plenty of chocolate & wine (we loved this one)
Routine – Get up early and get dressed
Switch off at the end of the day otherwise you are in danger of work and home life merging into one.
Don’t procrastinate – commit and get the job done
Stay connected with colleagues online through tools such as Microsoft Teams or Google Hangouts
Thank you to everyone that contributed their ‘top tips’!
We’re all very much in this together.
Enjoy the incredible amount of support that is out there at the moment,
you can and will make this work.
Good Luck!
If you require any help navigating your way through this all then please do get in touch, we are here to help.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is intended to be a guide and is not intended to be exhaustive. No action should be taken on the basis of information contained herein without obtaining the necessary advice. No responsibility can be accepted for loss or damages occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the material contained herein.